

The property Moonbow Ranch occupies has a rather interesting history. Please note that as we know more facts about the property, we will add to this history. So if you know something not listed here, please let us know.

The airport was originally constructed by Mr O'Brian, a professional flight engineer for American Airlines. O'Brian Field grew into a thriving operation until Mr O'Brian passed away. As times changed, the airport fell on hard times under the management of his son.

The airport was then purchased by Gorden Cragg, who planned to make it into an airpark. He changed the name to Skyway Airpark, and made plans to develop the property into a residential airpark and sell lots to prospective landowners. Unfortunately for these plans, the combination of poor economic times and regulatory burdens forced him to cancel the development plans.

At the start of 2013 the property was purchased by Pat and Katie Tuckey. The current owners intend to re-brand the field back into an old fashioned down home country airport.



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